Maroon 5 Lyrics
Original lyrics of Wipe Your Eyes
I'm afraid that I gotta do but I gotta do
But if I let you go, where you gonna go?
We gotta make it change, time to turn the page
Something isn't right, I don't wanna fight you
We've been through couple times, you know it gets worse
We can't I need surround please let me be first
And as I feel your tears spilling on my shirt
Something isn't right I don't wanna fight you
Hey you, come on over and let me embrace you
I know that I'm causing you but pain too
Remember if you need to cry
I'm here to wipe your eyes
And I've been fall your falling sleep
I run my thought across your cheek
Cry 'cause I'm here to wipe your eyes
I know I made you feel this pain
You gotta breathe, we'll be okay
Cry 'cause I'm here to wipe your eyes
Oh nah nah oh nah nah nah nah
'cause I'm here to wipe your eyes
Oh nah nah oh nah nah nah nah
When did we cross the line
How could we could forget
Why do we let the pressure get into our heads
Your broken heart requires all of my attention
'cause something in your eyes I don't wanna fight
Hey you, come on over and let me embrace you
I know that I'm causing you but pain too
Remember if you need to cry
I'm here to wipe your eyes
And I've been fall your falling sleep
I run my thought across your cheek
Cry 'cause I'm here to wipe your eyes
I know I made you feel this pain
You gotta breathe, we'll be okay
Cry 'cause I'm here to wipe your eyes
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