Maroon 5 Lyrics
Original lyrics of Tickets
She's got tickets to her own show but nobody who wants go
And I'm stuck sitting in the front row
I'm singing along like there's no tomorrow
It's funny how you say that you made it on your own
When you had to wait for in it, when your daddy didn't know
You say you got a job, but I don't know what you do
Such a bu-bu-bu snob that you'll never know the truth
The perfect on me answer, but nothing at the call
It's easy to forget when you show up at my door
Stop messing with my mind, cause you'll never have my heart
But your perfect little body makes me fall apart, your perfect little body makes me fall apart
She's got tickets to her own show but nobody who wants go
And I'm stuck sitting in the front row
I'm singing along like there's no tomorrow
La la la la la la la laaaaaa
I know you wanna stay, but I think that you should go
Cause you got nothing to say, you just sit there on your phone
I try not to give in, but temptation has me lost
So I will do my best to get you all
The perfect on me answer, but nothing at the call
It's easy to forget when you show up at my door
Stop messing with my mind, cause you'll never have my heart
But your perfect little body makes me fall apart, your perfect little body makes me fall apart
She's got tickets to her own show but nobody who wants go
And I'm stuck sitting in the front row
I'm singing along like there's no tomorrow
La la la la la la la laaaaaa
[Girl singing]
La la la la la la la laaaaaa
La la la la la la la laaaaaa
She's got tickets to her own show but nobody who wants go
And I'm stuck sitting in the front row
I'm singing along like there's no tomorrow
She's got tickets to her own show but nobody who wants go
And I'm stuck sitting in the front row
I'm singing along like there's no tomorrow
La la la la la la la laaaaaa
La la la la la la la laaaaaa
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