Maroon 5 Lyrics
Original lyrics of Is Anybody Out There (Feat. PJ Morton)
I won't let anyone hurt you
And I'll stop them if they try to
Nobody knows you like I do, ba-by
And I don't care where you run to
Because I'm gonna find you
When the stars all align
We can try again
Is anybody out there?
Can anybody see?
Seems like everything's gone crazy
You're exactly what I wanted
And exactly what I need
Don't need anybody but my ba-by
So where did all your love go
You play me like a solo
Then you threw my broken heart away, yeah
I know that we can make it
And I know that you can feel me
So stop fooling around and just stay
Is anybody out there?
Can anybody see?
Seems like everything's gone crazy
You're exactly what I wanted
Exactly what I need
I don't need anybody but my ba-by
It's taken such a long time
To find what I've been looking for
And now that you are all mine
I never felt quite like this before
Still want more
All you need in my mind
Because if so, then you already know
You're all that I want and you're all that I needed
Is anybody out there?
Can anybody see?
Seems like everything's gone crazy
You're exactly what I wanted
And exactly what I need
Don't need anybody but my baby
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