Maroon 5 Lyrics
Original lyrics of Don't Know Nothing
Living inside my head
Pulling my strings
Letting me think I'm in control
Giving you all of my heart
Was a good start
But it turns out you want my soul
I don't know nothing about that
In fact I don't know nothing at all
I'm tired of proving you right
By doing everything so wrong
So tell me what you really want
'Cause I don't wanna be
I don't wanna be alone
Pushing me over the edge
Can't forget those things you said
Cut to the bone
Go ahead, take your swing
What did you think?
I was just gonna roll over? Oh no
I don't know nothing about that
In fact I don't know nothing at all
I'm tired of proving you right
By doing everything so wrong
Gotta tell me what you really want
'Cause I don't wanna be
Oh, I don't wanna be alone
I don't wanna be
I've put myself on the line
I'm tired of wasting my time
There's got to be a reason why
She will not talk to me, no oh
I don't know nothing about that
In fact I don't know nothing at all
So tired of proving you right
By doing everything so wrong
I don't know nothing about that
In fact I don't know nothing at all
So tired of proving you right
By doing everything so wrong
Tell me what you really want
I don't wanna be
I don't wanna be alone
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