Maroon 5 Lyrics
Original lyrics of Give a Little More
Now you've been bad, and it goes on and on and on
'til you come home babe, 'til you come home
You taste best, the poison I've learned to love is gone.
I'm all alone baby, I'm all alone
I'm waiting for something, always waiting
Feeling nothing, wondering if it'll ever change
And then I give a little more, oh babe ohhh
Give a little more, oh babe ohhh
I'm not falling in love with ya, I'm not falling in love
I'm not falling in love with ya, I'm not falling in love
'til I get a little more from you baby ohhh
Get a little more from you baby
You were wrong for turning me on and on and on
And on and on
You make it so hard
I'm waiting for something, always waiting
Feeling nothing, wondering if it'll ever change
And then I give a little more, oh babe ohhh
Give a little more, oh babe ohhh
I'm not falling in love with ya, I'm not falling in love
I'm not falling in love with ya, I'm not falling in love
'til I get a little more from you baby ohhh
Get a little more from you baby
I have no defense
I know you're gonna get me in the end
(gonna get me in the end)
And I cannot pretend
I never want to feel this way again ohhh
I'm not falling in love with ya, I'm not falling in love
I'm not falling in love with ya, I'm not falling in love
'til I get a little more from you baby ohhh
Get a little more from you baby
I'm not falling in love with ya, I'm not falling in love
I'm not falling in love with ya, I'm not falling in love
'til I get a little more from you baby ohhh
Get a little more from you baby
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