Maroon 5 Lyrics
Original lyrics of If You Only Knew
I wake up
Thoughts of you
Tattooed to my mind
As I wonder
What to wear
What to eat
Who to be
Will I see you again
And as my car breaks down
I shake my head and say
What a day
If you only knew
What I went through just to get to you
I'm hanging from you
And I'll hold on if you want me to
Every bus, every train,
Every cab, every lane is JAMMED
So I looked to the sky
And I reached for the planes with my hands
If all my days go wrong
I'll think about last night
It went right
If you only knew
What I went through just to get to you
I'm hanging from you
And I'll hold on if you want me to
If you only knew
What I went through just to get to you
I'm swinging from you
And there's nothing I would rather do
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