Maroon 5 Lyrics
Original lyrics of It Was Always You
Woke up swinging from a tree
With a different kind of feeling
All day long my heart was beating searching for the meaning
Hazel eyes, I was so color blind
We were just wasting time
For my own life, we never crossed the line
Only friends in my mind
But now I realize, it was always you
Can't believe I couldn't not see it all this time, all this time
It was always you
Now I know that my heart wasn't satisfied, satisfied
It was always you, you
No more saying who
Looking by now I know it was always you, always you
All my hidden desires finally came alive
No, I never talk lies to you so I will start tonight
Hazel eyes, I was so color blind
We were just wasting time
For my own life, we never crossed the line
Only friends in my mind
But now I realize, it was always you
Can't believe I couldn't not see it all this time, all this time
It was always you
Now I know that my heart wasn't satisfied, satisfied
It was always you, you
Woke up swinging from a tree
With a different kind of feeling
It was always you
Even if I couldn't not see it all this time, all this time
It was always you
Now I know that my heart wasn't satisfied, satisfied
It was always you, you
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