Lirik Lagu Maroon 5 – Lirik Lagu Goodnight Goodnight

Maroon 5 Lyrics

Original lyrics of Goodnight Goodnight

You left me hanging from a thread we once swung from together
I've lick my wounds but I can't ever see them getting better
Something's gotta change
Things cannot stay the same

Her hair was pressed against her face, her eyes were red with anger
Enraged by things unsaid and empty beds and bad behavior
Something's gotta change
It must be rearranged, oh

I'm sorry, I did not mean to hurt my little girl
It's beyond me, I cannot carry the weight of the heavy world
So goodnight, goodnight, goodnight, goodnight
Goodnight, goodnight, goodnight, goodnight
Goodnight, hope that things work out all right, yeah

The room was silent as we all tried so hard to remember
The way it feels to be alive
The day that he first met her
Something's gotta change
Things cannot stay the same

You make me think of someone wonderful, but I can't place her

I wake up every morning wishing one more time to face her
Something's gotta change
It must be rearranged, oh

I'm sorry, I did not mean to hurt my little girl
It's beyond me, I cannot carry the weight of a heavy world
So goodnight, goodnight, goodnight, goodnight
Goodnight, goodnight, goodnight, goodnight
Goodnight, hope that things work out all right

So much to love
So much to learn
But I won't be there to teach you, oh
I know I can be close
But I try my best to reach you

I'm so sorry, I did not mean to hurt my little girl
It's beyond me, I cannot carry the weight of a heavy world
So goodnight, goodnight, goodnight, goodnight
Goodnight, goodnight, goodnight, goodnight
Goodnight, goodnight, goodnight, goodnight
Goodnight, hope that things work out all right, yeah
Whoa, oh

Penulisan lirik lagu ini, bertujuan untuk mempermudah Anda dalam menghapal syair lagu yang berjudul "Goodnight Goodnight" dan dinyayikan oleh "Maroon 5". Semoga dengan adanya ulasan lirik lagu ini, dapat membuat Anda untuk lebih cepat mengahapal syair lagu yang dinyanyikan oleh Maroon 5 ini.

Daftar Judul Lagu Maroon 5 Lyrics

Anda, baru saja membaca Lirik Lagu Maroon 5 Goodnight Goodnight yang dinyanyikan oleh Maroon 5. Jika Anda menyukai musik "Maroon 5 dengan judul Goodnight Goodnight", kami merekomendasikan kepada Anda, untuk mendukung artis / penyanyi atau band Musik ini, dengan cara membeli kaset dan CD / DVD originalnya atau menggunakan NSP / I-ring / RBT Lagu Goodnight Goodnight by Maroon 5 sebagai bentuk dukungan nyata Anda, agar mereka dapat terus bekerja.

Selain itu, anda juga dapat membeli lagu Goodnight Goodnight dari "Maroon 5" secara digital seperti di iTunes, Amazon, Spotify, Deezer dan media penjualan atau pembelian lagu online lainnya (jika tersedia).

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