Maroon 5 Lyrics
Original lyrics of Stutter
I really, I really, whoa
I really need to know
I really, I really, whoa
Or else, you gotta let me go, oh
I really, I really
This time I really need to do things right
Shivers that you give me keep me freezing all night
You make me shudder, oh yeah
I can't believe it, I'm not myself,
Suddenly I'm thinkin' about no one else
You make me shudder
Oh I really need to know
Or else you gotta let me go
You're just a fantasy girl
It's an impossible world
All I want is to be with you always
I give you everything
Pay some attention to me
All I want is just you and me always
Give me affection
I need your perfection
Cause you feel so good
You make me stutter, stutter
If I could touch you, I'd never let go
Now you got me screaming and I cannot shut up, oh, shut up, yeah
Now I am lying on the bedroom floor barely even speaking
And I cannot get up, get up
Oh I really, I really, I really need to know
Or else you gotta let me go, ooh
You're just a fantasy girl
It's an impossible world
All I want is to be with you always
I give you everything
Pay some attention to me
All I want is just you and me always
Give me affection
I need your perfection
Cause you feel so good
You make me stutter, stutter, stutter
You knock me down, I can't get up, I'm stuck
Gotta stop shaking me up
I can't eat, can't sleep, can't think,
Sinking under, I'm sinking under
You're just a fantasy girl
It's an impossible world
All I want is to be with you always
I give you everything
Pay some attention to me
All I want is just you and me always
You're just a fantasy girl
It's an impossible world
All I want is to be with you always
Give me affection, I need your perfection
Cause it feels so good you make me stutter
I'll give you everything
Give some attention to me
All I want is you and me always
Give me affection
I need your perfection
Cause it feels so good
You make me stutter
You make me stutter
You make me stutter
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