Rossa Lyrics
Original lyrics of One Night Lover (Feat. Joe Flizzow)
Dance floor's rocking, I watched you move around
Can't take my eyes off a beautiful stranger
This ain't stopping, the beats pumping louder
Feels like a touch from an angel
I couldn't believe, that you came here alone
Looked at me and tell em you ain't coming home
Cos my halo thrown, and it's you that I want
Then I turned around and told him
Stop stop baby
I don't wanna come between your love
You and her
I got this feeling up in here
But I can't tell you how it feels again
You could be my one night, one night lover
You could be my one night, one night love
You could be my one night, one night lover
You could be my one night, one night love
He's like something in your life
That you can do without, but you risking everything
Fell victim to a man
And I don't understand, the feeling that's within
Just to get a night with you
Couldn't believe, that you came here alone
Text your girl and tell her you ain't coming home
Got my halo thrown, and it's you that I want
And turned around and told him
Stop stop baby
I don't wanna come between your love
You and her
I got this feeling up in here
But I can't tell you how it feels again
You could be my one night, one night lover
You could be my one night, one night love
You could be my one night, one night lover
You could be my one night, one night love
I see shawty in the bare back
She ain't talking she just wanna dance
And all the playas trying to tap that
But tonight I'm gonna make sure they don't stand a chance
Cos I know what she really want
And I most probably got what she need
Tell her the best thing for you right now
Is most definitely some time with me
You prolly think that I got a girl
Those is rumours you know how they hating
You should forget all that you've heard
And how I'm delegating my relations
Got you on speed dial on my bold
Don't know really know what's the future holds
But let's start by being one night lovers
Stop it, stop it baby
I don't wanna come between
You and her
I got this feeling but I can't tell you
You could be my one night, one night lover
You could be my one night, one night love
You could be my one night, one night lover
You could be my one night, one night love
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