Lirik Lagu Taylor Swift – Lirik Lagu There's Your Trouble

Taylor Swift Lyrics

Original lyrics of There's Your Trouble

Should have been different but
It wasn't different, was it
Same old story, dear john,
And so long
Should have fit like a glove
Should have fit like a ring
Like a diamond ring
A token of true love
Should have all worked out
But it didn't
She should be here now
But she isn't

There's your trouble,
There's your trouble
You keep seeing double
With the wrong one
You can't see I love you,
You can't see she doesn't
But you just keep holding on
There's your trouble

So now you're thinking 'bout
All you're missing how
Deep you're sinking,
Round and round and dragging down
Why don't you cash in your chips
Why don't you call it a loss
Not such a big loss,
Chalk it up better luck
Could have been true love
But it wasn't
It should all add up
But it doesn't

[Repeat chorus]

Should have all worked out
But it didn't
She should be here now
But she isn't

[Repeat chorus]

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