Lirik Lagu Taylor Swift – Lirik Lagu The Moment I Knew

Taylor Swift Lyrics

Original lyrics of The Moment I Knew

 You should've been there,
Should've burst through the door,
With that 'baby I'm right here' smile,
And it would've felt like,
A million little shining stars had just aligned,
And I would've been so happy.

Christmas lights glisten,
I've got my eye on the door,
Just waiting for you to walk in,
But the time is ticking,
People ask me how I've been
As I comb back through my memory,
How you said you'd be here,
You said you'd be here.

And it was like slow motion,
Standing there in my party dress,
In red lipstick,
With no one to impress,
And they're all laughing,
As I'm looking around the room,
But there's one thing missing,
And that was the moment I knew.

And the hours pass by,
Now I just wanna be alone,
But your close friends always seem to know
When there's something really wrong,
So they follow me down the hall,
And there in the bathroom,
I try not to fall apart,
And the sinking feeling starts,
As I say hopelessly,
"He said he'd be here."

And it was like slow motion,
Standing there in my party dress,
In red lipstick,
With no one to impress,
And they're all laughing,
And asking me about you,
But there's one thing missing,
And that was the moment I knew.

What do you say
When tears are streaming down your face
In front of everyone you know?
And what do you do when the one
Who means the most to you
Is the one who didn't show?

You should've been here.
And I would've been so happy.

And it was like slow motion,
Standing there in my party dress,
In red lipstick,
With no one to impress,
And they're all standing around me singing
"Happy birthday to you",
But there's one thing missing,
And that was the moment I knew.

Ooh, I knew.

You call me later,
And say, "I'm sorry, I didn't make it,"
And I say, "I'm sorry too,"
And that was the moment I knew.

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