Lirik Lagu John Legend – Lirik Lagu Hang on in There (Feat. The Roots)

John Legend Lyrics

Original lyrics of Hang on in There (Feat. The Roots)

 Whenever things seem hard to bare
Don't give up. Hang On In There

There ain't no time,
No time for sorrow.
And we ain't got time no time
Ah time to be sad.
And maybe the world ain't what it could be
But to understand why is to know reality
Ah don't give in (hang on in there)
Ah I said hang on (hang on in there)

How many times did you hear your mom and daddy?
Say oh child I never had it so good
I wanna say thank you, thank you for the start
Cause deep in my soul, I know you did all that you could
I'm just a part of your dreams this I know
But I'll do what ever possible to make this thing grow.
Ah don't give in (hang on in there)
I said hang on (hang on in there)

Ah now say tomorrow you woke up a king
Now tell me just how would you fix everything?
You walk around complaining about how things are
But what have you added to this world so far
Check out your mind, and see what the answer is
And tell me how much did you give
Ah don't give in (hang on in there)
I said hang on (hang on in there)

There are plenty of things still left to live for
A child, a friend, and a wife
They all want to share your life.
Ain't that enough to make you want hang on
Hang on, hang on (hang on in there)

The sign said "America love it or leave" well has it really come to that?
And beside, I don't want to and you can't make me love

I've got too many friends, that have she'd their blood,
I've got too many relatives here born on this land
So you can't make me leave
I say this is my county and you can't make me leave
You can't make me love the way you treat me
And you can't make me love the way you beat me.

Hang on in there, I'm gonna hang on
No matter you do or what you say
Is just wanna let you know you can't drive me away

I'm gonna ay hang
I'm not gonna throw up my hand
I'm not gonna throw up my hand

Any you can't drive me from my home land
If the smog from the cars and so many live we have lost

Still No matter what I'm gonna hang on [youtube v=iPlGm2YGAVU]

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