Adele Lyrics
Original lyrics of Tired
Hold my hand while you cut me down
It had only just begun but now it's over now
And your in the heat of moments with your heart playing up cold
I'm between the middle watching hastiness unfold
On my eyes your were smiling in the spotlight dancing with the night
The night
When I fell off your mind
I'm tired of trying
Your teasing ain't enough
Fed up of buying your time
When I don't get nothing back
And for what, and for what, and for what
When I don't get nothing back
Oi I'm tired
Where'd you go when you stayed behind?
I looked up and inside down and outside only to find
A double taking punching heartache laughing at my smile
I get closer you obviously prefer her
I'm tired of trying
Your teasing ain't enough
Fed up of buying your time
When I don't get nothing back
And for what, and for what, and for what
When I don't get nothing back
Oi I'm tired of trying
Your teasing ain't enough
Fed up of biding your time
When I don't get nothing back
And for what, and for what, and for what
When I don't get nothing back
Oi I'm tired
(I should have known)
Never mind said your open arms
I couldn't help the leap that tripped back into them
Even though
I'm tired of trying
Your teasing ain't enough
Fed up of buying your time
When I don't get nothing back
And for what, and for what, and for what
When I don't get nothing back
Oi I'm tired of trying
Your teasing ain't enough
Fed up of biding your time
When I don't get nothing back
And for what, and for what, and for what
When I don't get nothing back
Oi I'm tired
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